
The union of the processes makes...Luxury


Spazio 58 srl has thirty years of experience in the creation
of metal accessories in micro-fusion for the sectors of
footwear and leather goods. Over the years, the offer has been enriched
with the development of injection and micro-injection accessories
in PVC, highly customized. Spazio 58 srl, furthermore,
dedicates part of the production to “B-Hall”, its own brand
of silver costume jewelry...

Matthew and Paul Benni

Paolo Benni and his son Matteo lead the business: "Since 2020 - says Matteo Benni - we also perform printing services on both leather and artificial high-frequency printing supports,

which allows for the volumizing of materials at multiple levels. The range of printing techniques is completed with register thermoforming, which instead gives life to structurally complex creations with millimetric precision.
The union of these processes can create stunning effects. "

Ricerca sostenibile

Un'attenzione particolare viene infine riservata ai pellami, in un'ottica sostenibile. Vengono infatti proposti pellami metal free otre ad avere in distribuzione per tutta Italia tessuti ricilati da PET e fibre naturali come canapa, bamboo e cotone, pre e post consumer, soprattutto per la calzatura.

Space 58

Production and processing of metal accessories for footwear and leather goods

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